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What is the number for Mobile Text Banking?
The number for Mobile Text Banking is IM247 (46247) . This short code will work only if your members have enrolled in Text Banking. Our Mobile Text Banking online booklet offers information to satisfy a large number of potential questions, and we recommend consulting it as needed.
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How can I see how many visits we've had to our mobile web banking site?
You can find out how many visits you’ve had to your mobile web banking site by using Tool #565 Online Banking Detail Stats (AUDICC) . To see visits separated by day, with totals, enter the selection criteria as seen below (a total count for all days can be seen by navigating to the bottom of the report): Combine (And/Or) Field Name Comparison Criteria (Field, Number, ‘Text’, etc.) A.CCTYPE EQ = Equal to ‘I’ AND A.CCLOGT EQ = Equal to ‘W’
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What regulatory requirements do I need to be aware of as I promote text banking to members, even if I offer it for free?
Some states require that in addition to any text banking fees you must state that message and data rates apply. This requirement applies even if you offer it as a free service. (Different states require additional language. Follow your credit union policies and procedures.) You can enter this text in the Mobile Text Introduction screen accessed when configuring your text banking service. Use Tool #569 Online/Mobile/Text Banking VMS Config , select Text Banking from the list, and check I w More...
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What commands are available in text banking?
Keywords are not case sensitive. For example, you can type either help or HELP or even Help and you'll get the same result. BAL Reponses to BAL include the available balance on three savings accounts/and or checking accounts. Member Text: BAL Text Response: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:$-9,999,999.99, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:$-9,999,999.99, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:$-9,999,999.99. Reply HELP for help. Msg Data Rates May Apply. If multiple memberships are enrolled with the same phone, the response will ask you to specif More...
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If CU*BASE is offline for some reason like system maintenance, and a member uses text banking to request a balance, will they be charged for that text message even though the system couldn't respond?
Since the system will be unable to respond with a balance, it will also be unable to log the text message against the member's account number, which means it cannot be included when fees are tallied. So although the member may still be charged by their mobile phone provider for text messages they send, they will not be charged the usual text message fees by the credit union via CU*BASE (nor with the credit union be charged for that item).
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Why is there more than one type of mobile banking offering?
Because members have different types of mobile devices! One size does not fit all, so we started with a mobile web banking, a tool that simply optimizes basic It's Me 247 online banking functions for web-enabled mobile devices (like an iPhone). Mobile app banking will be a downloadable app for devices that can, well, download apps. And It's Me 247 text banking will appeal to those with fast thumbs.
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In order to meet program requirements, we need to put a TurboTax banner in our online banking login page. Any suggestions?
Since your credit union's website can be the online banking login page, by putting either a budget or the direct login widget on the page, we suggest you place the TurboTax banner on your credit union's website. Since the OBC is a shared resource, we do not have the ability to add custom banners on the OBC. (Xtend does do custom Member Reach messages on the OBC page, but that would only allow for text, no images.) Likewise, because It's Me 247 online banking is a shared resource, More...
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Credit unions can require that changes made by members in the Personal Information page in online banking be approved before they are updated in the system. How does that work?
Members can update personal information on the Personal Information page. As a security measure, credit unions can elect that these changes require their review before changes are accepted and changed in the system. This approval setup is activated on the Update Credit Union Online Banking Settings page accessed via Tool # 569: Online/Mobile Text Banking VMS Config and then Online/Mobile Web Online Banking. On this screen, the credit union can select to either have the changes reviewed or re More...
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I've never used Transfer Control in online banking before. How do I get started?
Transfer Control means that a member must tell you the account numbers where he or she would like to be able to transfer funds in Online Banking. (Audio Banking does not support Transfer Control lists.) Remember that these are accounts that will receive funds from the member's own account. If only transfer control lists are activated, a member will only choose from a drop-down list of names (not account numbers) from his configured transfer control list. You will need to decide how membe More...
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What are some frequently asked questions about multi-factor authentication (MFA) for "It's Me 247" online banking and "BizLink 247" business banking?
Below are some commonly asked questions about MFA. Below the questions are some fuller feature documentation resources. After my credit union activates multi-factor authentication for It’s Me 247 , do my members using the “jump” feature (to access a second membership without entering credentials) need to use MFA during this jump? Can you send a one-time passcode for multi-factor authentication (MFA) for BizLink 247 via text message? My credit union has activated multi-factor au More...
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My credit union is activating multi-factor authentication (MFA) during online banking login. Can we now discontinue members having to answer their security questions?
Security question answers are also used for the “forgot password” feature that allows the member to reset their password without needing to call your credit union. Because of this, It’s Me 247 continues to require the entry of the security question each time the member logs into online banking to ensure that these answers are kept top of mind. NOTE: If your credit union is concerned about MFA and security questions during login making the process too lengthy, remember that the More...
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I am opening a membership and see checkboxes to select when adding contact numbers. What do each of these flags mean?
The flags used with member contact numbers are used as follows: International : Check this box to indicate an international number, and enter the number in the comment field. Text Messages : Check this box to indicate this number can receive text messages, but note that this number does not enroll the member in text banking, nor does this number transfer to the member's text banking settings. Wrong # : Check this box to indicate an incorrect number for a member. Mobile : Check this box to More...
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If I activate a new online banking feature in CU*BASE, will a link to that feature automatically appear in the new online banking navigation, or do I also need to have that added to a menu within "It's Me 247"?
Well, it's a little of both, actually. If you activate something that’s optional in CU*BASE but there is not a corresponding link to that from somewhere in your master navigation, then members won’t be able to get to it. As an example, take the overdraft services feature, where members can change their Reg E opt in/out choice online. If you do not have a link to this in online banking from either the mega menu, on a clickable ad, or on a widget bar, then even if you activate i More...
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How do I set up my memo code for to track members scheduling recurring Account-to-Account (A2A) automated funds transfers (A2AAFT) in online banking?
To create the Memo Code, use Tool #260 Configure Memo Type Codes for Trackers and click Add. This will then take you to the Memo Type Definition screen where you will enter Tracker type information for the Memo code. In this case, you will want this Tracker Type AT (Audit Tracker). Then enter in the Memo Type two-character code you wish to use in the Memo type field and the Memo Type description . (This may be A2 and A2A Origination. Follow credit policies and procedures. The other fields are no More...
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What does it mean when I see PAHTC750 in the Reference column of a Tracker Entry?
This means the Tracker Entry was generated by the online banking A2A transfer program to record changes made by the member to a recurring A2A (A2AFT) record via online/mobile banking. These Audit Trackers are attached to the account suffix where the funds are being withdrawn (for an outgoing A2A) or deposited (for an incoming A2A). The memo type used on these conversation notes is specified as part of your credit union's A2A Transfers configuration settings via Tool #569: Online/Mobile/Tex More...
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I see you can set online banking MFA (multi-factor authentication) to require device registration after a set number of days. What happens if my credit union changes this number of days in the CU*BASE configuration?
In the CU*BASE configuration via Tool #569 Online/Mobile/Text Banking VMS Config , you can require a new online banking MFA device registration after a set number of days. If your credit union changes the number of days for device registration, this affects the member in the following manner: If your credit union changes the number of days to a shorter period, the member will need to reregister when they reach the new number of days. If the configuration was changed from 90 days to 30 days, any More...
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How do I control the costs I incur with multi-factor authentication (MFA) text messages?
As announced in the communication linked to below, credit unions will start incurring costs for text messages for MFA in the April 2025 invoice. There are several strategies your credit union can take to control the cost that you may incur. (The screen used to configure MFA is linked to below. It is accessed via Tool #569 , then Online Banking Password and Settings . MFA settings are configured on the second screen.) Try one or more of these three strategies on that screen: Choose a longer inter More...
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What is the member experience for multi-factor authentication for first-time login to "It's Me 247?" How do you activate this in CU*BASE?
It's Me 247 supports MFA for first-time login. The steps the member sees are outlined in the MFA section of the Strategies for Securing and Controlling Member Access booklet linked to below. ( Other MFA options for security of higher-risk activities are also covered in this section of the booklet.) Activate this MFA for first-time login by selecting Method B on the Online/Mobile Password and Security Settings screen, accessed from Tool #569 Online/Mobile/Text Banking VMS Config .
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With multi-factor authentication (MFA), what situations would cause a member who had already registered their device with a one-time passcode to need to register it again?
When members authenticate for MFA, they use a one-time passcode, which also gives them the opportunity to register their device. The next time they log in on a registered device, they may not be required to use a one-time passcode. Situations where a one-time passcode WOULD be needed include the following: Your configuration for MFA in Tool #569 Online/Mobile/Text Banking VMS Config requires a one-time passcode be sent for authentication each time the member logs in. Your credit union has set More...
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There is no "View Check" link next to the member's check(s). What can I do?
Verify that check viewing is turned on for the CU. You can check by making sure there is a code in the Check Image ID field in Online Banking Configuration (Tool #5456). If the Check Image ID field is blank, either the correct value was somehow removed and needs to be replaced, the CU’s request for online banking check images is not yet completed (check the Pending Check Image Projects on the Check Image Info portal page), or this CU has never signed up for online banking check images ( More...
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