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For security reasons, I like to lock out members from using online banking until they actually want to use it. But with non-use expiration and automatic deactivation features turned on, how do I run any sort of online banking promotion?
If you: A) automatically deactivate online banking access for all new members, and B) expire online banking passwords due to non-use after 90 days, then how do you run an online banking promotion? After all, sending a marketing piece to members won't do any good if they're disabled or locked out from logging in. Of course you could have them call the credit union to get set up, but here's another idea: Set up a special promotional period! Pick a date to start your campaign. Advert More...
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Where can we choose to report a savings account or checking account to the credit bureau after we write off or charge off the account and close it?
As explained in the Charge Off Savings/Checking Accounts reference booklet, your credit union has the option of sending a one-time record to the credit bureaus when savings and checking accounts are charged off and closed. This feature must be activated for your credit union. Once activated, additional fields will appear when an account is charged off (via Tool #201 Charge Off Savings/Checking ) that will give the employee the option to use the one-time reporting feature by entering the amount More...
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If I activate the NSF/ANR fee disclosure on my statements, will it print for savings accounts as well?
Yes, if any non-return fees are assessed to a savings accounts and you have the Reg. DD disclosure activated for your statements. (This new feature was implemented in June 2010.) Although it is rare for a savings account ever to be charged a non-return fee, one example that might cause this would be if you had debit cards that were tied exclusively to a savings account. If the fee amounts are zero (NSF current period, NSF YTD, ANR current period, ANR YTD), then the NSF Fee Summary box will not More...
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A member account has a "P" in the ACH column next to her 000 savings. When I try to view what is pending, there are no pending items. Why is the P there?
The pending transaction can be found by printing the warehoused ACH transactions (Tool # 693 Print Warehoused ACH Transactions ). In this case there was a pending withdrawal for the member's 000 account. It can be found on the PACHSU report as an invalid account. However, the program for pending transactions only uses the company ID and the Depositor Id to look up an entry in the ACHSUS and ACHDST file. So that was enough information to see the P for Pending without actually being able to More...
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How should I reverse a loan payment or savings deposit that was done to the wrong account?
If the transaction was performed the same day, reverse using Tool #31 Reverse Tran/Adjust Tlr Drawer (Same Day) and then rerun transaction correctly. If the transaction was performed on a previous date, reverse using Tool #354 Effective-Dated Transfers . CU*BASE will automatically adjust the dividend/interest amounts for you. If you want to be able to override the dividend/interest amounts, use Tool #353 Effective-Dated Account Adjustment instead.
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How do I prevent certain types of accounts from being reported to the IRS if the dividends are not reportable, such as IRA savings?
There is a Report dividends to the IRS flag on the Dividend Application configuration for savings and checking products, and also in the CD Type configuration for certificates. If this is not checked, dividends paid on those accounts will not be reported. These flags must be verified every fall prior to year-end processing, as instructed in the Year-End Processing Guide, so that IRS forms and tax reporting is done correctly at year-end.
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Can more than 99 Savings Bonds be redeemed in the same tax period?
CU*BASE allows for up to 99 individual savings bonds to be redeemed in a tax year under a member's account base and SSN. A redemption is done using Tool #913 Update Savings Bond Information . Enter the member's account number and SSN to proceed. The next screen will allow you to record the principal and interest paid to post the redemption. Each redemption is assigned a sequence number at the time of posting, and can be found through the YTD inquiry option in Tool #913. The sequence num More...
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I created a new package and saved a couple documents, before I realized a package had already been started for this loan. Is there a way to combine the packages or move the documents I saved incorrectly?
If you have two packages you want to merge, you'd have to delete one of them, and then use the add existing button in the remaining one to associate the saved documents with it. When deleting the unwanted package, the system will ask you if you want to delete the saved documents associated with it. Make sure you don't delete them! In the remaining package, you'll highlight the missing document you want to add and click the Add Existing button. This will bring up a search window. More...
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I am a loan officer reviewing the application screens with a loan underwriter (at a different computer) and the loan underwriter changes are not being saved. Why is this happening?
It is possible to have two people review the same loan application screen. This is helpful if you would like for two people two review the screens together who are on different workstations. For example, you may have a loan officer and a loan underwriter review the screens together. If you review loan application screens this way, the last person to leave the screen will have their changes saved. Let's review this example: Sue Loanofficer and Mary Underwriter are reviewing a loan applic More...
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What are Trends in Analytics Booth?
Analytics Booth Trends provide a quick and easy way to view your credit union activity over time. Trending information can show how your credit union is performing. Watch for blips and spikes to see if marketing campaigns are succeeding. Did you run a new membership drive last month? Watch the trend to see how it paid off. Trends can be viewed on over fifty key performance indicatiors including balance, member, and transaction data. The graphs displayed on the trends screen can be selected to More...
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How long is a credit report saved online?
If the credit report is attached to the loan, it will be retained for the life of the loan. Otherwise, the credit report detail is usually purged after 60 days, and the summary and decision is purged after 6 months. (This is configurable; if you would like a longer retention, contact Lender*VP. A small monthly charge may apply.)
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How do I change the Reason Codes on a closed saving, checking, or loan account?
You can use Tool #902 Update Membership/Account Reason Codes to update the following: You can change the Membership Open Reason Code on a current, active membership (alters the NEWACT field on MASTER). You can change the Membership Closed Reason Code on a closed membership (alters the NEWACT field on MSHIST). You can change the Account Open Reason Code on a current, active sub-account (alters the RSNCDEOPN field on MEMBERx). You can change the Account Closed Reason Code on a closed sub-account More...
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How can I redeem a savings bond without cutting a misc. check? Non-members have no account in which to deposit the funds, and my auditor wants me to limit how many employees are able to cut misc. checks.
The best technique, for both members and non-members, is to use the Misc. Advances feature in Tool #1 Teller Line Posting . You'll need to configure a misc. expense/advance posting code ( Tool #534 Misc. Posting Codes Configuration ) for the GL associated with your savings bond redemptions. Then after you've entered the details of the savings bond redemption via the savings bond feature ( Tool #913 Update Savings Bond Information ), a teller would use the Misc. Advance proc code to post More...
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Can I change the graphics that display in Xpress Teller?
Yes, you can customize the entry screen of Xpress Teller with four custom graphics using CU Publisher suite. All four graphics can have hyperlinks. This feature allows you to market special services, offerings, promotions, or other campaigns you wish to keep top of mind with your staff as they assist members. Learn more about this feature in the store. See the link below. When uploading graphics CU Publisher be sure to use graphics that are 420 x 210 pixels if you use the standard size screen. More...
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Does Xtend offer a data hygiene campaign to assist me with cleaning up my email and phone numbers for my MFA rollout?
Yes. Xtend offers a data hygiene campaign to assist you with cleaning up your email and phone numbers. Click the link below to learn more.
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I have a husband and wife who both receive Social Security payments to the same membership. Now that CU*BASE uses the new way of handling ACH transactions from the SSA, these are causing duplicate distributions to be posted. What should I do if my members still wish for them to be separate transactions?
With the 16.10 release a new cross-reference system was implemented that automatically funnels all incoming company IDs from the Social Security Administration and treat them as if they came from one, consistent company ID we’re referring to as the “Primary ID.” In cases where the Depositor ID is the same, for example a husband and wife, these ACH transactions will be handled by the same master ACH distribution record under the Depositor ID since duplicate Depositor IDs are no More...
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My member gets a Social Security (SSA) deposit via ACH. We use an ACH distribution to pay the member’s loan payment, but the loan payment was not made. Why did this happen and what benefits are there to using an Automated Funds Transfer (AFT) instead?
Prior to the 16.10 release, the SSA began using multiple Company IDs, and it was recommended that credit unions consider using Automated Funds Transfers (AFTs) to handle distributions. Beginning the 16.10 release a new cross-reference system will be implemented that will automatically funnel all incoming company IDs from the Social Security Administration and treat them as if they came from one, consistent company ID we’re referring to as the “Primary ID.” With the changes ma More...
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What are the instructions to create an .fdfx companion file for my custom upload to CU*BASE?
Do not use these instructions if you are performing one of the standard uploads such as to DMPIMPORT, FCBUSINESS, FCPERSON, IMPEMAIL, etc. Instead, look for your appropriate .FDFX companion file in C:\cubase\cubase\resources Instructions below are relevant for projects where you are working to upload data to a custom table destination that meets the following criteria: The table already exists in CU*BASE The table has been used before (has at least 1 row of data in it). For the purpose of the ex More...
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A member did not get either an October or November statement, but his December statement showed a range of 12/1 to 12/31, not 10/1 to 12/31 as I would have expected. Can you explain?
In this particular member's situation there was no activity in either October or November that triggered a statement. The credit union's quarterly (and year-end) statements are configured to produce a statement for every member, regardless of activity level, but monthly statements are more restrictive in an attempt to save postage costs, and not every member gets a statement every month. NOTE: CU*BASE statements have a considerable number of configuration options that allow credit unio More...
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What do the various device and print job statuses on the iSeries mean?
When a device first connects to the iSeries, a virtual device is created - consider it a placeholder for that workstation or printer. Only one device can exist for each ID, which is why only one person can sign into a printer at a time. Throughout the virtual devices lifecycle, there are several different statuses that device can be in. Read below for some details! Workstations VARY ON PENDING - this is the default status of the virtual device. This status means the device is ready and wai More...
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Do you have an explanation for members concerning the APYE calculation on their statement?
Truth-In-Savings requires certain disclosures on periodic statements. One of the disclosures required on dividend-bearing accounts is the “annual percentage yield earned (APYE)”. The APYE is an annualized rate that reflects the relationship between the amount of dividends actually paid to the member’s account during the period and the average daily balance in the account for that period. *Note - this calculation uses the member’s average daily balance for the period, More...
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What features does "It's Me 247" mobile web banking offer?
Members can perform the following tasks while in Mobile Web Banking: Check account balances of savings, checking, certificate, credit card and loan accounts (both available and current balances). View transaction history for these accounts. View funds on hold for savings and checking accounts View pending authorizations for credit cards (if they exist) Transfer funds to other accounts (as allowed by standard online banking) View if a check has cleared (cancelled checks) View pending ACH transac More...
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What are some basic browser troubleshooting steps to take when an issue with a website is encountered?
While it is possible that an issue someone runs into on a website is an issue with the web server or a programming issue with the site, it is very important to rule out any browser or workstation incompatibilities first. If the website is not being opened in a supported browser, for instance, it can cause errors that would otherwise not exist. So what are some standard troubleshooting steps than can be taken? Are you using the latest version of your browser? Just like any other piece of software More...
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What precautions should I take when adding distribution records for a member who has more than one deposit coming in from the same institution but for different household members, for example Social Security deposits?
Special care should be taken when adding distribution records for a member who has more than one deposit coming for the family from the same institution. Take the time to research the member ACH records using the ACH inquiry screen, and if there isn't enough information on this screen, go to CU*SPY and find the PACXTB report to review the ACH detail. For example, the Smith family receives three ACH payments for Social Security benefits: one for the husband, John, one for the wife, Mary, and More...
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After enabling session encryption, GOLD gives a "T02" certificate error and fails to open.
After enabling session encryption, GOLD may present a Warning T02 error message and not launch. Here is a screenshot of the error: If you encounter this error message, there may be an issue with your workstations local certificate store. We have identified a few possible causes. Typically, your workstation has several expired certificates in the store that are causing conflicts; or your workstation does not have the correct GoDaddy intermediate certificates. Follow the steps below to corre More...
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