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What causes a member check to be returned as 'Refer to Maker'?
Previously, credit unions used Code 38 for “Return to Maker”, but this code is no longer available in the system. This change was initiated by a Reg CC change in 2018. Now, if you are presented with a situation where you need to return a check to another institution, it is recommended that you use one of these codes to clarify the reason for the check return. Some codes allow you to make the change in CU*BASE. Others require that you contact your Check Item Processor. Read below for More...
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What columns/fields, files/tables, and programs are included in the File Maintenance Inquiry "Critical Monitoring?"
When you use the filter buttons on the File Maintenance Inquiry dashboard (Tool #159: Audit File Maintenance Inquiry (CUFMNT)), indicators note which programs, fields/columns, and files/tables AuditLink has flagged as “critical” for auditing teams to monitor on a daily basis. You can quickly sort by that indicator and select only those items for a quick scan of maintenance that directly affects member accounts. Below is a listing of these critical items. Columns/Fields Field Why More...
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What are the instructions to create an .fdfx companion file for my custom upload to CU*BASE?
Do not use these instructions if you are performing one of the standard uploads such as to DMPIMPORT, FCBUSINESS, FCPERSON, IMPEMAIL, etc. Instead, look for your appropriate .FDFX companion file in C:\cubase\cubase\resources Instructions below are relevant for projects where you are working to upload data to a custom table destination that meets the following criteria: The table already exists in CU*BASE The table has been used before (has at least 1 row of data in it). For the purpose of the ex More...
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When does CU*Answers receive the ACH files that are available throughout the day?
The FRB produces six sets of files each business day on weekdays, Monday through Friday, except for Federal Holidays. CU*Answers posts the files as follows: CU*Answers receives the first and sixth set of files overnight and posts them by 8:30 AM ET. As this posting is a combined posting, two Receive reports and one Posting report are produced. CU*Answers receives the second set of files by noon and posts by 1:00 PM ET. Same-day credits must be posted with this file. CU*Answers receives the thir More...
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We just got a CU*BASE software release and now when I try to run one of my custom Queries I get an error message, "Level for file XXXXX in XXXX does not match query (I C)." What should I do?
This occurs when the release includes changes to the files that your Query uses. For example, if we add a new field to the MASTER file, any Query you have that uses that file will display an error message. Fortunately, it is very easy to refresh your Query so that you can use it again. All you need to do is access the Query and save it. That's all. You don't have to make changes to it, it's just important that you save it so it can refresh itself to match the new file layout. More...
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I'm trying to upload files for FinCEN according to the doc, and getting an error message when I enter the path for the PC file C:\CUBASE\gold\FCBUSINESS.fdfx.
In order to complete an upload from a PC to the System i, a companion file, which the system uses to format the data properly, must also be located on your PC. In this case, the files used for the FinCEN upload include FCBUSINESS.fdf and FCPERSON.fdf. With ING, these files are now located in a different location: C:\CUBASE\CUBASE\resources\ Substitue this for C:\CUBASE\gold\ in your instructions. NOTE: You may also get an error if the system cannot find these files in that directory. Alt More...
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How can I find file maintenance done on a specific account number during a prior month?
Go to CU*SPY and choose the Member Services category. In the User Data search field, enter the report name LELOG2 . To limit the search even further, use the Date search field to enter a date or range of dates. When ready, click the Search button. All End-of-Day Maintenance Log reports will be listed. Click the Select checkbox in front of all of the reports you want to look through (click the Select All button if you want to look through them all). In the input box at the top of the scree More...
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How can I find out the name of a file or field I need when creating a new Query?
Use Tool #332 Database Search Assistant. This tool lets you enter part or all of a table (file) name, a column (field) name, or even a portion of a table or column description to help locate where data is stored in your member files.
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I see that my member's loan account is in the credit bureau reporting file but it isn't reflected on the individual's credit report. What types of things might prevent a primary borrower or additional signer from being applied by the bureau?
If you or your member notice an account is not being updated (or the additional signer on a loan) you should first try to find out if the loan/additional signer was included in the file sent over to the bureau. You can do this for the most recent reporting cycle by running Tool #658 Print Loan Info Sent to Credit Bureau . If the member loan/additional signer information (defined by METRO 2 as the J1 segment or J2 Segment) is present in that file you need to look further into the following types More...
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When looking at the ATM/Debit or Credit Card Activity screen, what does the indicator in the Type and Transaction Description mean?
The fields are related to Process Codes, in that they are derived from the code attached to the message received from the plastics processor (vendor, or switch). The Type you see in the initial Type column of the Activity screen relates directly to the Transaction Description when you view additional transaction details. Transaction types may not apply to all vendors. Examples of these labels are as follows: DEP (Deposit Transactions) ATM/DEP A deposit made at an ATM. ATM/DEP - including a $ More...
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I'm getting a "PSCPD093 File operation error" when I log into my eLoans or eReceipt print session. What should I do?
This is because the print session is not pointing to the correct folder location. It shoudl be pointing to the \..\PrePrint folder for eLoans and other forms, and to the \..\ToPrint folder for eReceipts. Contact a CSO team member for assistance at 800.327.3478 x266.
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Is there a listing that would show who currently has upload and download authority from my credit union and which files they have access to?
You can review this authority via Tool #1355 Download/Upload Authorized Users Inquiry . Data from this inquiry is updated at the end of each day. You can also find the monthly report CU*BASE produces on the first of each month, LSECAUDITM, which contains all staff with Upload/Download authority and what files they have access to. You can retrieve this report from CU*Spy.
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Explain how the Secondary Names (SECNAMES) file works to store joint owner names, especially in cases where a membership doesn't really have "joint owners" per se (like a Representative Payee).
The Secondary Names (SECNAMES) file stores instructions that link a membership account to another member or non-member record. The file stores links to joint owner names and beneficiary names for all non-IRA account types. (IRA beneficiaries are stored in a completely different file because they are linked to an IRA Plan Type, not specific individual sub-accounts.) The file also stores a third type referred to as miscellaneous owner which can be used for any purpose you wish. The most co More...
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When a member files Bankruptcy what is the proper procedure to stop member statements and late notices from being mailed to the member?
Access the Bankruptcy topics to learn more See the Related Q A below.
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When uploading a file I receive the error message saying "MSGFI002 The file could not be found." and lists the path to a .fdfx file. How do I resolve this?
Every upload to CU*BASE via Tool #1375 Data Transfers (Uploads and Downloads) requires a companion file which the system uses to format the data properly. These files must be located on your PC and have a file extension of .FDFX. The standard tables available for uploading can be found on your PC, by following this path: C:\cubase\cubase\resources Examples of these standard options include – DMPIMPORT, FCBUSINESS, FCPERSON, IMPEMAIL, and more. EXCEPTIONS Non-standard (custom) tables are e More...
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What procedures should be taken to maintain a member's account when they file bankruptcy?
See links below, especially Bankruptcy Tools booklet and Handling Bankruptcy A to Z . Find more bankruptcy directions here:
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When downloading a file in Tool #1375 File Transfers (Upload or Download), I am experiencing very slow transfer times. What could be a reason for this?
If you observe drastically reduced download speeds (such as anything over 5 minutes), it is most commonly due to issues translating the date fields between the CU*BASE file and the PC file. The Data Transfer tool will still complete the download, however, there are steps you can take to speed things along. To troubleshoot this issue, access Tool #1375 File Transfers (Upload or Download) , navigate to the From IBM i -2 tab and select the Format Options button in the File section. On the pop-u More...
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We are a self-processor and a client of Neighborhood Mortgage Services (NMS). They are requesting to download a file for Fannie Mae Mortgages, but they have not been able to download the file. Is there a tool they need access to?
NMS will need access to Tool #3555 NMS Combine Surf Files . This is custom tool, which means we will need to adjust settings on our end so your credit union has access to the tool. This is normally done as part of a regular CU*BASE release, although special arrangements can be made. Contact a CSR for assistance. Once the tool is activated for you, then your credit union's security officer will be able to grant NMS authority to the tool as usual via CU*BASE Employee Security. Once the user h More...
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Why on an ATM or Debit card do I need to flag a member's card as "hot" and also close the same card in order to close the linked account or close the membership?
When a credit union statuses a member's card as 'HOT' or warm (Lost/Stolen/Fraud/Restricted), this information is transmitted immediately to your vendor to stop any further withdrawals/purchases being performed with that particular card. But at your vendor a 'Hot Card' is not considered to be a closed card. When your member's card remains at a HOT or Warm card status on CU*BASE, CU*BASE is still required to send any maintenance updates such as address change, phone numbe More...
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Why does CU*BASE show delinquency in two different ways? In some places it is months/days and others it is actual number of days.
There are two methods used to track delinquent loans for reporting purposes in CU*BASE: Method One (for Collections tracking) We have always tracked delinquency in two separate fields for “Months” and ‘Days” in the member files. When a loan is 30 days delinquent, it shows as “0 Months, 30 Days” delinquent. When a loan is 31 days delinquent, it is “1 Month, 0 Days” delinquent. A month is always considered 30 days regardless of the actual number o More...
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What is stand-in processing?
Simply put, it is a way for your members to continue using interactive services such as audio response and online banking, ATM/debit cards, and online credit cards for their financial needs, even while CU*BASE is off line for normal daily or monthly processing. CU*BASE uses a special style of stand-in processing that allows for continued use of CU*TALK audio response and It's Me 247 online banking services even during the night when we perform end-of-day and end-of-month processing. Refe More...
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What is the best data table/file to use when I am building a query of my file maintenance data? I see two options, CUFMAINT and CUFMNT.
Beginning with the 17.10 CUBASE Release (October 22, 2017 for online clients), CU*Answers implemented the CUFMAINT table, which includes data from the CUFMNT table, as well as additional data not included in CUFMNT. CU*Answers recommends using the CUFMAINT table for all report building and query activity. If you currently have any Queries using the CUFMNT table, they will still work, as CUFMNT is now a View over the C UFMAINT table but without all of the additional information, so it will s More...
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What do the various device and print job statuses on the iSeries mean?
When a device first connects to the iSeries, a virtual device is created - consider it a placeholder for that workstation or printer. Only one device can exist for each ID, which is why only one person can sign into a printer at a time. Throughout the virtual devices lifecycle, there are several different statuses that device can be in. Read below for some details! Workstations VARY ON PENDING - this is the default status of the virtual device. This status means the device is ready and wai More...
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What do I need to do to allow an employee to download or upload data between CU*BASE and their PC?
If you need to allow an employee to perform upload and/or download tasks (FinCEN, AIRES, ALM, uploading G/L entries to post, etc.), you must first complete the iShield Security Access Request form and have it signed by your credit union’s designated Security Officer to sign. Once our Client Services team receives your signed form and verifies it, a request will be submitted to our System i administrators, and you will be notified when the new permissions have been granted. This process wi More...
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What's the best way to create a Representative Payee account on CU*BASE?
In a nutshell, you will set up a Membership Designation Code for Representative Payee, with the label for primary name set to Beneficiary and the label for the joint owner name set to Rep Payee. Then the procedure is to open the membership in the beneficiary's name and SSN, then put the representative payee's SSN as the joint owner (type J secondary name link). TIPS: Remember that in CU*BASE the words joint owner simply are used to describe a particular record type in the Se More...
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