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What regulatory requirements do I need to be aware of as I promote text banking to members, even if I offer it for free?
Some states require that in addition to any text banking fees you must state that message and data rates apply. This requirement applies even if you offer it as a free service. (Different states require additional language. Follow your credit union policies and procedures.) You can enter this text in the Mobile Text Introduction screen accessed when configuring your text banking service. Use Tool #569 Online/Mobile/Text Banking VMS Config , select Text Banking from the list, and check I w More...
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How can I obtain statistics on how my members use audio response and online banking?
There are several ways to obtain this data. To see the total number of active online banking members, use Tool #856 Tiered Svcs Monthly Comparison to display active user counts for any monthly period. (HINT: Click the Goal 4 button to display this data.) This can be done even if your credit union does not use Tiered Services for any other purpose. To print a report of usage statistics, use Tool #141 ARU/Online Banking Stats Dashboard To see online banking usage stats for a particular m More...
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What are the minimum requirements (minimum usage requirements) for "It's Me 247" online banking?
Remember that as security requirements and the Internet world change, so will these requirements. If a member is having trouble accessing It’s Me 247 features, the first step is always to upgrade the browser software. Supported browsers are the two latest versions of: Chrome, Firefox, and Edge (PC) and Safari (on a MAC). The browser must have session cookies and JavaScript enabled. The browser must use 128-bit encryption. (To check the encryption level, from the Help menu, choose Help More...
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A member is trying to log in to online banking and they are seeing a message: "It has been more than xx days since you last logged in to online banking. Your password has expired. Please contact the credit union to reactivate your password." What do I do?
What This Message Means: This appears when your credit union has set a password expiration period for inactive accounts. This means that if a member doesn't log in to Online Banking for a certain period of time, their password will be deactivated. If a member sees this message, they cannot reset the password themselves and must contact the credit union for reactivation. What Steps to Take in CU*BASE: See the link below for step-by-step instructions. BE CAREFUL!! Always verify the person' More...
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Currently, our certificate rates are played in CU*Talk audio response as well as displayed in "It's Me 247" online banking. Can we delete these rates only from audio response?
The following applies only to credit unions that have activated the Text-To-Speech (TTS) engine for CU*Talk Audio Response. You can use Tool #506 Member Rate Maintenance to control product rates read to members in CU*Talk Audio Response. But keep in mind that because you are using Text-To-Speech, changes made here directly affect the credit union website and It's Me 247 online banking as well. Once in the menu option, select shares or certificates. From the next rate menu, you will see a More...
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What are the timeout values for "It's Me 247" online and mobile web banking?
Most online banking and mobile web pages have a timeout value of 15 minutes. The exception is the login pages, which time-out after 5 minutes of inactivity.
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Are CU*TALK audio response and "It's Me 247" online banking ever put into stand-in mode?
Yes, this occurs every night when we perform daily processing. During stand-in, all audio response features will continue to work as usual. However, there are a few special features in online banking that are not available during stand-in processing. See the link below for more details on services that are unavailable during stand-in.
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What new information does member see on the Login History page in Mobile Banking and "It's Me 247" starting with the 18.08 Online Banking release? How might this be different if the member logs on with device registration controls to their access (PIB)?
The member will see some new information on the Login History screen starting August 29, 2018. The data for this change was collected beginning August 7th. New information includes: Login Source types: iOS, Android, Desktop Browser, Mobile Browser, Loan Application, Other Login Methods: Username Password, Fingerprint, Pin, Voice, Face NOTE: If a member uses Personal Internet Branch (PIB) device registration, a duplicate login record might appear that doesn’t record the login source, IP More...
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Do I have to activate online banking and audio response automatically for all my new members?
No, you do not have to automatically activate OLB or ARU for new memberships. Actually, you can default all new memberships to deactivate online banking and/or audio response access until the member specifically requests it. This is highly recommended as it helps to protect members who join the credit union but never get around to using your online tools right away. These accounts may be your most vulnerable since the member hasn't set up a private password or security questions. By deact More...
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How do I activate or deactivate a member's access to online banking or audio response?
There are a couple of access points: Launch Tool #14 Member Personal Banker and select the Online banking/ARU (activate, change PIN/password; view password history) option OR Launch Tool #72 Update ARU/Online Banking Access (PIN) (Shortcut: PIN) It's Me 247 CU*TALK CUTalk
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I have members whose records indicate a large number of logins to online banking per month. The member indicates that they do not login to online banking so many times. Is there an explanation for this?
Members need to remember that when they provide their online banking login credentials to financial aggregation software (Quicken, Mint, Yodlee, etc.) these programs login to online banking in order to retrieve their information. As a result, each time they refresh their data through this software will result in a login being recorded by our online banking software.
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How do I reset a member's password for online banking?
This procedure should be used if the member's password was disabled because of too many invalid retries. The error message the member will see reads: Please contact the Credit Union for a new password. (Review the Related Content below for instructions on what to do if the password was expired due to non-use.) To reset a member's online banking password, follow the step-by-step directions to Reset Online Banking Password in the Related Links below. Make sure to encourage the member t More...
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Where does CU*BASE get the account descriptions that members see in online banking and on their statement?
CU*BASE does have several different places where product descriptions can be configured, each used for different purposes. It's common for the descriptions to be entered the same into each configuration, but there are reasons why they are sometimes slightly different. For example, if you use the same range of account suffixes across several of your checking account products, your account suffix description might be something general like Checking whereas the description entered into the More...
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A member is trying to log in to online banking and they see this message: "Online access for this account has been disabled. Please contact the Credit union to reset your password." What should I do?
What This Message Means: This appears when the member has tried 3 times to enter their password incorrectly. The message does instruct the member to click I forgot my password and answer all three Security Questions to reset the password themselves. But if the member doesn't know their password or their security questions, they will need to contact the CU. BE CAREFUL: This is a scenario that presents the most risk to your members. If a bad guy finds out a member's name, account nu More...
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How do I fix a member's "It's Me 247" online banking password that has expired due to non-use?
This procedure should be used if the member's password expired due to non-use. The error message the member will see reads: It has been more than xx days since you last logged into Online Banking . Your password has expired. Please contact the Credit Union to reactivate your password. (Click the Related Q A link below for instructions on what to do if the password was disabled due to invalid retries.) Launch Tool #72 Update ARU/Online Banking Access (PIN) (shortcut: PIN). Enter the memb More...
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What features does "It's Me 247" mobile web banking offer?
Members can perform the following tasks while in Mobile Web Banking: Check account balances of savings, checking, certificate, credit card and loan accounts (both available and current balances). View transaction history for these accounts. View funds on hold for savings and checking accounts View pending authorizations for credit cards (if they exist) Transfer funds to other accounts (as allowed by standard online banking) View if a check has cleared (cancelled checks) View pending ACH transac More...
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Can a member retrieve check images and copies from Online Banking?
Yes, If you are a CU*BASE client and your check processing is handled by the Check Item Processing team, you can offer your members the ability to print copies of cancelled checks using Online Banking and the CheckViewer. If your credit union chooses to activate this feature, the member simply clicks a button from either the checks cleared screen or the account detail transaction listing, to pull that specific check. We also offer interfaces to check images from many other item processing vendor More...
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What data tables can I search to see information about where and when attempts are made to login to a member's online banking account?
There is a table called MBRAPPSTAT which holds records of various API calls done during the entire member authentication process, even before they have successfully logged in to online banking (even if through the mobile app). That is the first place TO look to see records of what's happening with this member's account as they step through that process. There is one row for each API call, and each API call represents a different phase of the process. For example - Get Username, Get Chall More...
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How does a member set up a username to log in to online banking, so they don't have to use their account number online?
Log into online banking, then in the Info Center section and select Username. Or if it is required by the credit union, the member will be presented this screen at login.
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How long are cancelled check images retained in "It's Me 247" online banking?
If your check processor is CU*Check Item Processing, check images are retained for the same time period as transaction history. Other check processors may have a different retention schedule.
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My credit union wants to allow maintenance on Automated Funds Transfers (AFT) in online banking. What are the steps for allowing members to set up and maintain their own AFTs?
There are several configurations that control the member’s ability to set up and maintain Automated Funds Transfer (AFTs) online. Does your credit union's Personal Internet Branch configuration allow the maintenance of AFTs? Are AFTs configured to show in online banking? Does the member's PIB configuration allow maintenance of AFTs in online banking? For existing AFTs: Is the record locked to prevent changes in online banking? 1. Does your credit union's Personal Internet Bran More...
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What commands are available in text banking?
Keywords are not case sensitive. For example, you can type either help or HELP or even Help and you'll get the same result. BAL Reponses to BAL include the available balance on three savings accounts/and or checking accounts. Member Text: BAL Text Response: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:$-9,999,999.99, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:$-9,999,999.99, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:$-9,999,999.99. Reply HELP for help. Msg Data Rates May Apply. If multiple memberships are enrolled with the same phone, the response will ask you to specif More...
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A check was cleared on the wrong member account. I already reversed the transaction and posted it properly through Account Adjustment, but how do I keep the member from being able to see the wrong check image in online banking?
Contact a CSR for assistance with this issue. The impact of the solution may vary from situation to situation.
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A couple members have complained that when they do transfers in mobile banking or in our mobile app there’s no way to enter a decimal point for the transfer amount. So the transfer has to be done as whole dollars only, and can’t be dollars and cents.
We have learned that certain phone manufacturers that use the Android operating system have customized the keyboard that comes with the phone, and in some cases that keyboard doesn’t allow a decimal point to be entered into numeric input fields. That is not a shortcoming we can overcome with the behind-the-scenes programming in our It's Me 247 mobile web software, which is also used by mobile app vendors. So our recommendation is to advise the member to download a different keyboard More...
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What causes a member check to be returned as 'Refer to Maker'?
Previously, credit unions used Code 38 for “Return to Maker”, but this code is no longer available in the system. This change was initiated by a Reg CC change in 2018. Now, if you are presented with a situation where you need to return a check to another institution, it is recommended that you use one of these codes to clarify the reason for the check return. Some codes allow you to make the change in CU*BASE. Others require that you contact your Check Item Processor. Read below for More...
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