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Are there any CU*BASE data files that store the Patronage Dividend excluded accounts as well as the accounts that will earn the Patronage Dividend?
Yes. CU*BASE offers an great feature to calculate a membership ownership or patronage dividend that allows for an audit run to evaluate the total amount and accounts that may be excluded. At the time the patronage dividend audit or posting run is processed, there are two files created that reside in the QUERYXX library. The data file for the excluded accounts is PATRDIVEXC. For the accounts that will earn the patronage dividend, the file name is PATRDIVINC. The data in each file represents the l More...
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Can CU*Answers prepare the necessary files for my CU to participate in the Wisconsin data matching program for unemployment insurance claims?
Yes. The data match file we already send to the State of Wisconsin each quarter will be used now by them for multiple purposes, including tax data, unemployment insurance, etc. Your credit union is still charged the same quarterly fee* for transmitting a single file to the state. (Note: This same technique may also be used by other states that are now requiring unemployment insurance claim data matches. CUs do not need to do anything; the file content is the same and the state is simply using More...
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What is the best data table/file to use when I am building a query of my file maintenance data? I see two options, CUFMAINT and CUFMNT.
Beginning with the 17.10 CUBASE Release (October 22, 2017 for online clients), CU*Answers implemented the CUFMAINT table, which includes data from the CUFMNT table, as well as additional data not included in CUFMNT. CU*Answers recommends using the CUFMAINT table for all report building and query activity. If you currently have any Queries using the CUFMNT table, they will still work, as CUFMNT is now a View over the C UFMAINT table but without all of the additional information, so it will s More...
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We sometimes have non-member joint owners that join the credit union, or closed memberships that re-join later on. When I create the membership I choose to copy that old data into the new membership so I don’t have to retype everything. What happens with the phone numbers in those cases?
If you are creating a membership by copying over the data from an existing non-member record (like a joint owner or co-borrower is joining the credit union), the system will copy over all phone numbers tied to that non-member record and attach them to the new membership, then delete the old numbers tied to the non-member (since the non-member record itself also gets deleted at that time). This is not the same when copying from another existing membership , or when copying from a closed membershi More...
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When member data is sent to the credit bureaus, where does the system pull the credit union name from?
In this case the credit union name is being pulled from your chart of accounts, from the corporation record. This is updated using Tool #202 Chart of Accounts/Budget Groups Maint.
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What do I need to do to allow an employee to download or upload data between CU*BASE and their PC?
If you need to allow an employee to perform upload and/or download tasks (FinCEN, AIRES, ALM, uploading G/L entries to post, etc.), you must first complete the iShield Security Access Request form and have it signed by your credit union’s designated Security Officer to sign. Once our Client Services team receives your signed form and verifies it, a request will be submitted to our System i administrators, and you will be notified when the new permissions have been granted. This process wi More...
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How long are things such as transaction history, GL and check history, and credit report data retained?
For CU*Answers online clients, effective in March 2017 the standard online retention is 12 months for basic savings and checking accounts, and 48 months for all certificates, IRAs (shares and CDs), HSA share and checking accounts, club accounts (such as vacation, holiday, Christmas), tax escrows, and all loans. Prior to March 2017, data retention was 6 months for savings/checking, and 24 months for other member transaction history . Note that when this data is purged, it also removes the additio More...
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Is there a report on CU*BASE that will help me gather the data I need to fill in the FR2900 report?
Yes, there is the PREGD Reg D statistical report that is automatically generated every day and is located in CU*SPY under the Member Service category. This report gives you the balances of your shares, drafts, and certificate accounts along with the balance for GL 739.00 Cash. Simply print the days you need to collect for the FR2900 report. To find the balances for other GL accounts for the 5 days requested in the FR2900 report you can use Tool #650 Print GL Trial Balance (monthly) to select More...
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What data tables can I search to see information about where and when attempts are made to login to a member's online banking account?
There is a table called MBRAPPSTAT which holds records of various API calls done during the entire member authentication process, even before they have successfully logged in to online banking (even if through the mobile app). That is the first place TO look to see records of what's happening with this member's account as they step through that process. There is one row for each API call, and each API call represents a different phase of the process. For example - Get Username, Get Chall More...
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What are the layers of authority for a Database Administrator who manages a Data Warehouse?
The following is a summary of the authority control layers every database administrator should be aware of when managing access to data tables and the raw information they hold. Warehouse authority – blanket of permissions and prerequisite to all other layers of authority. These permissions are applied per Library based on User ID for individual warehouses. Table authority – precision for just one table but generally remains consistent across tables within any one warehouse. These More...
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I am transitioning to Tool #1375 for my data transfers, what information do I need to know?
The previous tools used for uploading and downloading to and from CU*BASE will be retired when your credit union recieves the 20.07 CU*BASE software release. For online and Site-Four credit unions, that date is Sunday, July 12. Self-processing credit unions will receive the release the following Sunday, July 19. To replace the two tools, a new tool was introduced in November 2018, Tool #1375 Data Transfers (Upload or Download) . Following the release, this tool will be the default data transfer More...
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I was doing some research on a member's account, using Tool #15 Update Membership Information. I didn't change any data, but did Enter through all of the screens. Later on I noticed a record in the CU File Maintenance log that showed a change I didn't remember making. What could have happened?
Over time, when new features are added to CU*BASE that require new flags on membership and account records, we sometimes elect to implement those without doing corresponding database floods to set all of the new flags on all existing accounts. Instead, we instruct maintenance programs (like Tool #15 Update Membership Information or Tool #20 Update Account Information , as examples) to simply input any missing flags to the default value automatically, on the fly, any time the maintenance program More...
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What does the message "No Data Matched to Specified Options" mean when doing a data transfer in Tool #1375 File Transfers?
This message appears when the file you've selected to transfer to is empty. There are valid reasons a file can be empty, however, if you expected data to be in the file, you may wish to begin troubleshooting the file and the procedures which generated it.
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How can I build a report showing my custom field (UDM) data?
The tables to use for your custom data (this is also called Unique Data Management or UDM) are as follows: For membership-level custom fields: CMSCFDTA For account-level custom fields: CMBCFDTA
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I am using Tool #1375 Data Transfers (Upload or Download) to download a file to my PC. I am getting a "Server returned SQL error" message when I use the "browse" button to find my file name on the iSeries.
This can happen when using the Browse button if the File name field is blank, like this: This error message appears: To prevent this error, before clicking the Browse button, enter QUERYxx/ (where xx is your CUID) into the File name field. This tells the system where to look for your files (and more importantly, gives it a location from which you are authorized to download):
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What do I need to know about the 2021 tracker automated purges starting March 1? How can I get a data warehouse to archive my tracker data?
The Asterisk Intelligence team has provided a helpful PDF explaining what is happening and how to sign up for a data warehouse before March 1st. View the information first, and vist the CU*Answers Store to sign up for a data warehouse !
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What are the instructions to create an .fdfx companion file for my custom upload to CU*BASE?
Do not use these instructions if you are performing one of the standard uploads such as to DMPIMPORT, FCBUSINESS, FCPERSON, IMPEMAIL, etc. Instead, look for your appropriate .FDFX companion file in C:\cubase\cubase\resources Instructions below are relevant for projects where you are working to upload data to a custom table destination that meets the following criteria: The table already exists in CU*BASE The table has been used before (has at least 1 row of data in it). For the purpose of the ex More...
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What columns/fields, files/tables, and programs are included in the File Maintenance Inquiry "Critical Monitoring?"
When you use the filter buttons on the File Maintenance Inquiry dashboard (Tool #159: Audit File Maintenance Inquiry (CUFMNT)), indicators note which programs, fields/columns, and files/tables AuditLink has flagged as “critical” for auditing teams to monitor on a daily basis. You can quickly sort by that indicator and select only those items for a quick scan of maintenance that directly affects member accounts. Below is a listing of these critical items. Columns/Fields Field Why More...
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I see that my member's loan account is in the credit bureau reporting file but it isn't reflected on the individual's credit report. What types of things might prevent a primary borrower or additional signer from being applied by the bureau?
If you or your member notice an account is not being updated (or the additional signer on a loan) you should first try to find out if the loan/additional signer was included in the file sent over to the bureau. You can do this for the most recent reporting cycle by running Tool #658 Print Loan Info Sent to Credit Bureau . If the member loan/additional signer information (defined by METRO 2 as the J1 segment or J2 Segment) is present in that file you need to look further into the following types More...
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What causes a member check to be returned as 'Refer to Maker'?
Previously, credit unions used Code 38 for “Return to Maker”, but this code is no longer available in the system. This change was initiated by a Reg CC change in 2018. Now, if you are presented with a situation where you need to return a check to another institution, it is recommended that you use one of these codes to clarify the reason for the check return. Some codes allow you to make the change in CU*BASE. Others require that you contact your Check Item Processor. Read below for More...
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Explain how the Secondary Names (SECNAMES) file works to store joint owner names, especially in cases where a membership doesn't really have "joint owners" per se (like a Representative Payee).
The Secondary Names (SECNAMES) file stores instructions that link a membership account to another member or non-member record. The file stores links to joint owner names and beneficiary names for all non-IRA account types. (IRA beneficiaries are stored in a completely different file because they are linked to an IRA Plan Type, not specific individual sub-accounts.) The file also stores a third type referred to as miscellaneous owner which can be used for any purpose you wish. The most co More...
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How can I tell if my credit union is utilizing a Data Warehouse?
To find out if your credit union is currently using a Data Warehouse, you can try any of the methods explained below. Method 1: Ask the Asterisk Intelligence Team Contact the AI team at and we'll be happy to tell you if your credit union has been set up for a data warehouse. Method 2: Library Dashboard Tool Use Tool #1980 Library Dashboard and see if the 'Library' lookup has the DW code (for data warehouse) available in this list. If present, then yes, you do have More...
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What do the various device and print job statuses on the iSeries mean?
When a device first connects to the iSeries, a virtual device is created - consider it a placeholder for that workstation or printer. Only one device can exist for each ID, which is why only one person can sign into a printer at a time. Throughout the virtual devices lifecycle, there are several different statuses that device can be in. Read below for some details! Workstations VARY ON PENDING - this is the default status of the virtual device. This status means the device is ready and wai More...
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When does CU*Answers receive the ACH files that are available throughout the day?
The FRB produces six sets of files each business day on weekdays, Monday through Friday, except for Federal Holidays. CU*Answers posts the files as follows: CU*Answers receives the first and sixth set of files overnight and posts them by 8:30 AM ET. As this posting is a combined posting, two Receive reports and one Posting report are produced. CU*Answers receives the second set of files by noon and posts by 1:00 PM ET. Same-day credits must be posted with this file. CU*Answers receives the thir More...
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I am using the Mobile App Card Control feature to allow members to manage their cards. How can I see data related to which members are using this feature?
There are several ways to view data on members using card controls. Card Status Change Exceptions Report As the status to activate/deactivate is sent in online mode only, not in nightly batch maintenance, any exceptions to card status changes will not appear on the standard nightly maintenance report or exception report. To view and work any exceptions to the member card control status changes, view the daily report Daily Member Card Status Exception Report ( LCSALGE) found in CU*Spy. End of More...
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