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A member is getting an error code of 1 when they click on Pay My Bills. After a few tries, they got an error code of 2. What do these mean?
When members receive an error code of 1 or 2, there is a very simple fix for it in CU*BASE. It's Me 247 online banking and bill pay (Fiserv) programs communicate with each other automatically through an authentication PIN every time we go from one to the next. When we see a status code of 1 or 2, it is telling us there is an issue with this PIN. It is easy to reset and the member will be able to get into bill pay within 24 hours. Launch Tool # 14 Member Personal Banker. Enter the member&r More...
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What are the instructions to create an .fdfx companion file for my custom upload to CU*BASE?
Do not use these instructions if you are performing one of the standard uploads such as to DMPIMPORT, FCBUSINESS, FCPERSON, IMPEMAIL, etc. Instead, look for your appropriate .FDFX companion file in C:\cubase\cubase\resources Instructions below are relevant for projects where you are working to upload data to a custom table destination that meets the following criteria: The table already exists in CU*BASE The table has been used before (has at least 1 row of data in it). For the purpose of the ex More...
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Why does CU*BASE show delinquency in two different ways? In some places it is months/days and others it is actual number of days.
There are two methods used to track delinquent loans for reporting purposes in CU*BASE: Method One (for Collections tracking) We have always tracked delinquency in two separate fields for “Months” and ‘Days” in the member files. When a loan is 30 days delinquent, it shows as “0 Months, 30 Days” delinquent. When a loan is 31 days delinquent, it is “1 Month, 0 Days” delinquent. A month is always considered 30 days regardless of the actual number o More...
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We are a self-processor and a client of Neighborhood Mortgage Services (NMS). They are requesting to download a file for Fannie Mae Mortgages, but they have not been able to download the file. Is there a tool they need access to?
NMS will need access to Tool #3555 NMS Combine Surf Files . This is custom tool, which means we will need to adjust settings on our end so your credit union has access to the tool. This is normally done as part of a regular CU*BASE release, although special arrangements can be made. Contact a CSR for assistance. Once the tool is activated for you, then your credit union's security officer will be able to grant NMS authority to the tool as usual via CU*BASE Employee Security. Once the user h More...
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How do I use CU*BASE tools to keep track of the beneficial owners on my business accounts and other memberships?
Using CU*BASE to Comply with New Rules for Tracking Beneficial Ownership FinCEN has issued new rules under the Bank Secrecy Act that require financial institutions to identify and verify the identity of the beneficial owners of all legal entity members (corporations, etc.). Under the final rule, credit unions are required to have written procedures to identify and verify beneficial owners of legal entity members who open new accounts on or after May 11, 2018. In addition to identifying and coll More...
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Do you have an explanation for members concerning the APYE calculation on their statement?
Truth-In-Savings requires certain disclosures on periodic statements. One of the disclosures required on dividend-bearing accounts is the “annual percentage yield earned (APYE)”. The APYE is an annualized rate that reflects the relationship between the amount of dividends actually paid to the member’s account during the period and the average daily balance in the account for that period. *Note - this calculation uses the member’s average daily balance for the period, More...
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How can I use Telnet to test connectivity to the high-availability (HA) server?
We strongly recommend that you regularly test access to the HA server to ensure that you can connect to CU*BASE in the event of an HA rollover test or actual disaster. We recommend that you perform this test monthly and whenever you make a change to your network. To perform this test, follow the instructions below. 1. Ensure that Telnet is installed on your workstation. If you are running Windows 10, you’ll need to install Telnet. Visit More...
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We are thinking of activating the new See and Jump features for online banking. Can you explain the thinking behind the security, and why only an account owner can have this access?
IMPORTANT NOTE: When It’s Me 247 was updated in 2021, the “See” option shown on here was made unavailable. There are two major points to consider when thinking about allowing members to see information beyond the account to which they are actually logged in. Both extend beyond online banking to consider a financial institution’s role and responsibility in protecting member private data via all access channels, from the teller line to a back office employee answering More...
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How do I reset an Epson TM-T88III printer in order to clear its memory?
Note: this procedure also works with Carswell printers. (1) Turn the printer off. (2) Hold the FEED button while turning the printer back on. (3) Continue to hold the FEED button until the error light starts flashing. (4) Clear the paper by pressing the FEED button. If successful, a receipt printer settings page will print. Your printer's memory is now cleared. If this is not successful, please contact the Network Services Help Desk for assistance.
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My credit union wants to allow maintenance on Automated Funds Transfers (AFT) in online banking. What are the steps for allowing members to set up and maintain their own AFTs?
There are several configurations that control the member’s ability to set up and maintain Automated Funds Transfer (AFTs) online. Does your credit union's Personal Internet Branch configuration allow the maintenance of AFTs? Are AFTs configured to show in online banking? Does the member's PIB configuration allow maintenance of AFTs in online banking? For existing AFTs: Is the record locked to prevent changes in online banking? 1. Does your credit union's Personal Internet Bran More...
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I changed my workstation configuration in CU*BASE to specify a certain "General Printer" ID, but my screen shots are still going to another printer. Why are they not going to the ID I defined?
The General Printer ID that is specified in Tool #326 CU Hardware Configuration does not control where screenshots are printed. The screen shot configuration needs to be changed on the virtual workstation device. Contact the network help desk for assistance. There should be 3 sessions per workstation (G0, G1, and G2). The screen shot printer can be modified here.
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What is the member's transaction description that is used for debt protection fees?
There are four types of debt protection plan types. 1= Single, 2=Joint, 3=Co-Borrower, 4= Blended. The transaction descriptions are: 1. SIngle Debt Pro Fee, 2. Joint Debt Pro Fee, 3. Co-borrower Debt Pro and 4. Blended Debt Pro Fee.
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When looking at the ATM/Debit or Credit Card Activity screen, what does the indicator in the Type and Transaction Description mean?
The fields are related to Process Codes, in that they are derived from the code attached to the message received from the plastics processor (vendor, or switch). The Type you see in the initial Type column of the Activity screen relates directly to the Transaction Description when you view additional transaction details. Transaction types may not apply to all vendors. Examples of these labels are as follows: DEP (Deposit Transactions) ATM/DEP A deposit made at an ATM. ATM/DEP - including a $ More...
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When looking at the ATM/Debit Activity screen, what is the Process Code and how does it affect how member's transaction is being processed on CU*BASE?
The Process Code or PROC CODE on this screen refers to which accounts CU*BASE is going to look at to see if we can authorize the transaction or which account we are going to process against when the vendor is sending a completion. It is a 6 digit field and is broken down into 3 sections to determine how CU*BASE should process the transaction. First is an explanation of how this 6 digit code is broken down and what each segment refers to: OO FF TT in this example the first two digits would More...
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A member had their "Pay My Bills" icon disappear from online banking. I confirmed they are still enrolled, so what happened?
The first thing to do when a member claims their Pay My Bills icon is missing from online banking is to check their personal PIB profile. Here's what to do: 1. Launch Tool #14 Member Personal Banker 2. Enter the member's account number and press Enter 3. Place a check in the Personal Internet Branch (enroll of change PIB settings) box 4. Press Enter 3 times to reach the appropriate screen - Configure PIB Profile 5. Look at the very last option on this menu - Manage Online Bill Pa More...
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How do I format an address correctly in CU*BASE to adhere to Metro 2 standards?
CU*BASE Standards for Names and Addresses for Metro 2 Credit Reporting With the implementation of new Metro 2 standards for reporting member credit data to the national credit bureaus, following are some tips for entering names and addresses, including military addresses, properly into CU*BASE. The bureaus have given notice that any names or addresses not adhering to these standards will be rejected and not posted to the bureau's database. (Keep in mind that for online credit unions, a high More...
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If I have changed my Social Security (SSA) ACH Deposits to use the Automated Funds Transfer solution, should I now consider changing back to ACH deposits?
Prior to the 16.10 release, the SSA began using multiple Company IDs, and it was recommended that credit unions consider using Automated Funds Transfers (AFTs) to handle distributions. Beginning with the 16.10 release a new cross-reference system will be implemented that will automatically funnel all incoming company IDs from the Social Security Administration and treat them as if they came from one, consistent company ID we’re referring to as the “Primary ID.” With the chang More...
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How do member phone numbers work as they relate to card orders and maintenance?
CU*BASE uses phone numbers that are stored in the MASTPH file when generating card activation information to send to vendors on initial card orders. The numbers in MASTPH are determined by the label/flag applied in Tool #3 Open/Maintain Memberships/Accounts or Tool #15 Update Membership Information as follows: Nighttime # - primary phone number sent to vendor and defaulting into the Card Activation field when ordering a card. Daytime # - secondary phone number sent to the vendor. Mobile – More...
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How do I change a Social Security number that's on a non-member record and put it on a member's account instead?
There are several steps in removing a member's Social Security number: 1) Run a global search to see what types of relationship codes the SSN has with your credit union. 2) The first relationship codes you will want to review are the 'CB' or 'JI' which mean the non-member is a co-borrower and/or joint owner on the account. They need to be removed first. To remove them, launch Tool #3 Open/Maintian Memberships/Accounts, choose Update member information then Joint owners an More...
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I'm looking for some special Credit Bureau Comment codes for bankruptcy, but don't seem them in online help. Where can I find these?
The following old special Comment codes are no longer valid now that your credit data is being reported using the Metro 2 format: BU BV BW BX BY CA CB Instead, use the Consumer Information Indicator field on the loan account to report bankruptcy. This can be changed using Tool #20 Update Account Information on the loan account (click the Credit Reporting Info button to display the the Credit Bureau Reporting Information screen). NOTE: You only need to report bankrtupcy once. If the bankrupt More...
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After enabling session encryption, GOLD gives a "T02" certificate error and fails to open.
After enabling session encryption, GOLD may present a Warning T02 error message and not launch. Here is a screenshot of the error: If you encounter this error message, there may be an issue with your workstations local certificate store. We have identified a few possible causes. Typically, your workstation has several expired certificates in the store that are causing conflicts; or your workstation does not have the correct GoDaddy intermediate certificates. Follow the steps below to corre More...
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I see that my member's loan account is in the credit bureau reporting file but it isn't reflected on the individual's credit report. What types of things might prevent a primary borrower or additional signer from being applied by the bureau?
If you or your member notice an account is not being updated (or the additional signer on a loan) you should first try to find out if the loan/additional signer was included in the file sent over to the bureau. You can do this for the most recent reporting cycle by running Tool #658 Print Loan Info Sent to Credit Bureau . If the member loan/additional signer information (defined by METRO 2 as the J1 segment or J2 Segment) is present in that file you need to look further into the following types More...
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Can online banking download to current versions of Quicken?
Yes! We offer this service so that you can allow members using current versions of Quicken to download data from online banking. ( It's Me 247 will also continue to offer the older QIF file format which works with Quicken versions 99 through 2004.) As explained in the brochure (see the link below), there is a startup and an annual maintenance fee from Qucken to offer this feature to members. (CU*Answers has paid for all of the development and testing and will not charge your credit union a More...
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A member is trying to log in to online banking and they see this message: "Online access for this account has been disabled. Please contact the Credit union to reset your password." What should I do?
What This Message Means: This appears when the member has tried 3 times to enter their password incorrectly. The message does instruct the member to click I forgot my password and answer all three Security Questions to reset the password themselves. But if the member doesn't know their password or their security questions, they will need to contact the CU. BE CAREFUL: This is a scenario that presents the most risk to your members. If a bad guy finds out a member's name, account nu More...
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Is there a way to code a member's account in CU*BASE so that it is excluded from membership tapes/files that are sent third parties like Liberty Mutual or CUNA?
There are two ways to accomplish this: The first way is to use the Marketing Opt-Out flags on the member's MASTER record. Introduced in the CU*BASE 9.2 release (August 2009), these are two flags that can be checked to exclude the member from third-party marketing communications and/or CU-related marketing commnunications. See the Opt Out link below to read more about the use of these flags. When creating a database file using Member Connect tools, or the CU*BASE List Generator, or even t More...
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