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What is the difference between an ISP and a Browser? Online banking requires the browser has 128-Bit encryption. How do my members update this encryption level?
An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is the company from which you purchase internet access services (like AOL or IServ). A browser is a piece of software on your PC which allows you to access things like web sites, Internet access. Examples are Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox. Upgrading your browser is important. It insures you have the most current version with the most up-to-date features, speed and options. But in most cases what is needed the most is to upgrade the encryption More...
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I have received new insurance rates from my insurance vendor. What do I need to do?
Fax/email a copy of the new rates to CU*Answers Client Services, along with your name and credit union contact information. We will make sure the rates are loaded into CU*BASE on the effective date. Your laser loan forms may require programming changes based on this change or addition of coverage. Please contact Client Services as soon as you know your insurance coverage will be updating.
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What causes a member check to be returned as 'Refer to Maker'?
Previously, credit unions used Code 38 for “Return to Maker”, but this code is no longer available in the system. This change was initiated by a Reg CC change in 2018. Now, if you are presented with a situation where you need to return a check to another institution, it is recommended that you use one of these codes to clarify the reason for the check return. Some codes allow you to make the change in CU*BASE. Others require that you contact your Check Item Processor. Read below for More...
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We just had one of our large payroll companies change payroll numbers (ACH company ID, distribution ID). Is there a report I can look at that will tell me what distribution numbers need to be changed and then how do I make the updates?
When it comes to ACH originators who change company IDs, we provide our credit unions with a daily report that highlights any new company IDs that are present. This is the NEW ACH COMPANIES AND INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNTS (PACHD3) report. It is available for you to review in CU*Spy each day for any prior day's activity and present within your DAILYxx output queue for you to review for current day activity (each day all reports are generated to the DAILYxx OUTQ and then routed to CU*Spy for archiva More...
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I am having trouble finding where I can maintain an insurance code on an existing loan.
On the first screen in the Loan Maintenance option, there is a tab on the bottom of the display screen called Loan Coverages . Choose that tab and you will see the secondary screen to perform your update. Note * Once you make your changes, press enter (the screen will not change), use the back arrow to get back to the loan maintenance screen. Press enter again and your insurace/debt protection update will apply. Level credit life credit disability
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On our loan credit insurance and/or debt protection posting reports, we see exception descriptions that are abbreviated. What are their meanings and did the premiums/fees post or were they rejected?
These message indicators appear on the CU*BASE loan insurance premium posting report (TCUNAS2 / TCUNAS3) and the Debt Protection Fee posting/exception reports (TCUNAD2 / TCUNAD3). By looking at the reports, you can tell if a premium / DP fee posted or not based on the exception. LOAN INSURANCE MESSAGES ADD SIGN There is joint coverage on this loan. There is either no 'additional signer' record, or the birth date for the additional signer is missing or invalid. JT TO SG There is joint cov More...
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I understand CUNA covers the balloon amount with Level Rate Disability Credit Insurance. How are benefits paid if the member is disabled when the balloon amount comes due?
We recommend that you contact CUNA for claim / benefits information. They can be reached at 800-356-2644.
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What do I need to do to allow an employee to download or upload data between CU*BASE and their PC?
If you need to allow an employee to perform upload and/or download tasks (FinCEN, AIRES, ALM, uploading G/L entries to post, etc.), you must first complete the iShield Security Access Request form and have it signed by your credit union’s designated Security Officer to sign. Once our Client Services team receives your signed form and verifies it, a request will be submitted to our System i administrators, and you will be notified when the new permissions have been granted. This process wi More...
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How do I get my CUNA Mutual loan insurance reports after monthly premiums post?
All vendor (CUNA or any other insurance vendor) Loan Insurance and Debt Protection Reports can be found in CU*SPY. They can also be directed to print or archive using menu Tool #573 OUTQ Report Control . The Report Names in this option are: Loan Insurance = TCUNAS/QPRINT2, TCUNAS QPRINT3, Debt Protection = TCUNAD/QPRINT2, TCUNAD/QPRINT3. One report is the actual posting of the premiums, the second report extracts and of the 'exceptions' in one list, making it easier for a team member More...
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For CPI force-placed insurance, how is the payment change to recover the CPI premium calculated?
The payment change (payment to recover CPI premium) uses the standard amortization formula (remember this requires a scientific calculator to calculate the exponent ^): (r*v)/(1-(1+r)^-n) r = monthly rate v = value (i.e. CPI premium) n = # payments The number of payments to amortize is the lesser of the CPI term (from system configuration) or the number of payments left on the loan.
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When a database table (file) is expanded or reformatted as part of a development project, what kinds of adjustments might need to be made on my custom Queries that use that table in the definition?
For things like expanded balance and transaction $ amounts, Query will automatically adapt to larger amounts, and you generally won’t need to do anything. (The only exception is if you send the output to a vendor, they’ll need to be made aware of the larger amounts. Or perhaps if your report is completely full side to side and you need to remove a column in order for everything to still fit across a printed page.) As far as dates, if a date was formerly 3 separate fields for year More...
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Why can't I add insurance to my Home Equity Loan?
There was a rewrite by CUNA effective April 1, 2014 that states that if a loan is over 120 months, you cannot add insurance to it. Your example was for a Home Equity Loan for 240 months. CUNA insurance only goes out for 120 months so you receivced the error term is over the life maximum term . Please call your CUNA representative if you have any further questions.
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I am transitioning to Tool #1375 for my data transfers, what information do I need to know?
The previous tools used for uploading and downloading to and from CU*BASE will be retired when your credit union recieves the 20.07 CU*BASE software release. For online and Site-Four credit unions, that date is Sunday, July 12. Self-processing credit unions will receive the release the following Sunday, July 19. To replace the two tools, a new tool was introduced in November 2018, Tool #1375 Data Transfers (Upload or Download) . Following the release, this tool will be the default data transfer More...
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What is the difference between Single Premium, Level Rate and Monthly Renewable credit insurance?
All three of these terms describe the manner in which a credit disability premium is calculated for a specific loan. Single Premium - Calculates the premium through a set of rates that correspond to the Original Term of the loan. The premium amount assumes insurance coverage for the full term. This premium is added up front to the loan balance when the loan is created, hence Single Premium . If the loan is paid in full early, the borrower is entitled to a refund for the time between the pay More...
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I need to run a custom Query report from a couple of years ago before the account and transaction file expansion (FEP) was done. Can I do that?
If you are requesting an EOM tape to be loaded from a month prior to your conversion to FEP in 2014, we will automatically convert it for FEP “on the fly” so that you can run Queries over it or print the report you need.
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Can CU*Answers prepare the necessary files for my CU to participate in the Wisconsin data matching program for unemployment insurance claims?
Yes. The data match file we already send to the State of Wisconsin each quarter will be used now by them for multiple purposes, including tax data, unemployment insurance, etc. Your credit union is still charged the same quarterly fee* for transmitting a single file to the state. (Note: This same technique may also be used by other states that are now requiring unemployment insurance claim data matches. CUs do not need to do anything; the file content is the same and the state is simply using More...
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I have a loan with CPI force-placed insurance. I adjusted the payment amount and moved the due date forward. Why did CU*BASE then readjust the payment amount? How do I handle these situations?
As an example, a credit union had a loan with force-placed insurance and changed the payment amount and advanced the due date. Because this loan had a CPI force-placed insurance placed on it, CU*BASE handled it in the following manner. The credit union did an extension on this members loan yesterday, including advancing the next due date into the future and changing the payment amount from $205.39 to $104.00. This morning (05/21/13) CU*BASE changed the payment amount from $104.00 to $89.88. T More...
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One of the custom reports I have set up in the Query Scheduler is not running properly. I recall something about file changes and updates that I need to make. Can you explain?
Whenever you add files to your Query definition or remove files from it, you also need to refresh the automation configuration, which is basically just a list of the files needed by the Query and must match the Query definition. See the link below for step-by-step instructions.
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Is there a report on CU*BASE that will help me gather the data I need to fill in the FR2900 report?
Yes, there is the PREGD Reg D statistical report that is automatically generated every day and is located in CU*SPY under the Member Service category. This report gives you the balances of your shares, drafts, and certificate accounts along with the balance for GL 739.00 Cash. Simply print the days you need to collect for the FR2900 report. To find the balances for other GL accounts for the 5 days requested in the FR2900 report you can use Tool #650 Print GL Trial Balance (monthly) to select More...
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What are the instructions to create an .fdfx companion file for my custom upload to CU*BASE?
Do not use these instructions if you are performing one of the standard uploads such as to DMPIMPORT, FCBUSINESS, FCPERSON, IMPEMAIL, etc. Instead, look for your appropriate .FDFX companion file in C:\cubase\cubase\resources Instructions below are relevant for projects where you are working to upload data to a custom table destination that meets the following criteria: The table already exists in CU*BASE The table has been used before (has at least 1 row of data in it). For the purpose of the ex More...
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My member gets a Social Security (SSA) deposit via ACH. We use an ACH distribution to pay the member’s loan payment, but the loan payment was not made. Why did this happen and what benefits are there to using an Automated Funds Transfer (AFT) instead?
Prior to the 16.10 release, the SSA began using multiple Company IDs, and it was recommended that credit unions consider using Automated Funds Transfers (AFTs) to handle distributions. Beginning the 16.10 release a new cross-reference system will be implemented that will automatically funnel all incoming company IDs from the Social Security Administration and treat them as if they came from one, consistent company ID we’re referring to as the “Primary ID.” With the changes ma More...
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What do I need to know about the 2021 tracker automated purges starting March 1? How can I get a data warehouse to archive my tracker data?
The Asterisk Intelligence team has provided a helpful PDF explaining what is happening and how to sign up for a data warehouse before March 1st. View the information first, and vist the CU*Answers Store to sign up for a data warehouse !
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How do I use CU*BASE tools to keep track of the beneficial owners on my business accounts and other memberships?
Using CU*BASE to Comply with New Rules for Tracking Beneficial Ownership FinCEN has issued new rules under the Bank Secrecy Act that require financial institutions to identify and verify the identity of the beneficial owners of all legal entity members (corporations, etc.). Under the final rule, credit unions are required to have written procedures to identify and verify beneficial owners of legal entity members who open new accounts on or after May 11, 2018. In addition to identifying and coll More...
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We are thinking of activating the new See and Jump features for online banking. Can you explain the thinking behind the security, and why only an account owner can have this access?
IMPORTANT NOTE: When It’s Me 247 was updated in 2021, the “See” option shown on here was made unavailable. There are two major points to consider when thinking about allowing members to see information beyond the account to which they are actually logged in. Both extend beyond online banking to consider a financial institution’s role and responsibility in protecting member private data via all access channels, from the teller line to a back office employee answering More...
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A member is trying to log in to online banking and they see this message: "Online access for this account has been disabled. Please contact the Credit union to reset your password." What should I do?
What This Message Means: This appears when the member has tried 3 times to enter their password incorrectly. The message does instruct the member to click I forgot my password and answer all three Security Questions to reset the password themselves. But if the member doesn't know their password or their security questions, they will need to contact the CU. BE CAREFUL: This is a scenario that presents the most risk to your members. If a bad guy finds out a member's name, account nu More...
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