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I know the look and navigation will be different, but will there be any brand-new features introduced with the new look for "It's Me 247"?
Yes! Here's a list of just a few of them: Stuff members will love: Favorite accounts - Which accounts they want to see front and center when they log in. Favorite features - Features they want to see along with their favorite accounts, like quick transfer, eStatements, and bill pay. Member messaging - Neat little scrolling ads that pop up to alert members about messages they've received, documents ready for eSignature, password change reminders, and 1Click offers. And our favorite new More...
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If CU*BASE is offline for some reason like system maintenance, and a member uses text banking to request a balance, will they be charged for that text message even though the system couldn't respond?
Since the system will be unable to respond with a balance, it will also be unable to log the text message against the member's account number, which means it cannot be included when fees are tallied. So although the member may still be charged by their mobile phone provider for text messages they send, they will not be charged the usual text message fees by the credit union via CU*BASE (nor with the credit union be charged for that item).
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My member's cellular provider has cleared the block on text banking messages, but my member is still not receiving text banking messages. What is the next step?
In this case, the issue may be caused by an application or setting on the phone . Check to see if the number (46247), or short code messages are being blocked by the texting application on the phone. NOTE: This may happen more often with Android phones as the manufacturer and provider may customize base applications with proprietary versions. If the member is still not receiving text banking messages after contacting their provider about blacklisting and confirming their application or phone More...
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Many of my members have said the best way to contact them is via text message. But with the rules around “express consent” that credit union must follow, what’s the best way to take care to only contact members via text message appropriately?
The new phone # database introduced in the 18.07 release includes both a Mobile phone checkbox as well as a Can sent text messages to this number checkbox. There’s also a place to enter free-form comments on each individual phone number. Also remember to take advantage of the existing marketing opt in/opt out flags . You could even use all of these elements in tandem with a special Tracker Type/Memo Type combination that specifically records a member’s written consent. Another idea More...
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What happens if a member sends a text banking message during a period when CU*BASE is offline for some reason like system maintenance?
If the system cannot respond with their actual balance for any reason, it returns the same content as if they had used the HELP text message.
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How can I create a report of members who have the Text Messaging flag selected in their member contact information?
Using Report Builder (Tool #100), you can use the table (file) MASTPH, which stores member and non-member phone numbers and settings. The column (field) MTPATM shows whether or not the Allow Text Messages option is checked (Y) or unchecked (N).
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Can you tell me if members will receive a Reg D warning message if they try to do a text transfer and they have exceeded their limit?
There is a limit to what a text message can display, so all we can send is a simple message that alerts the member of a REG D violation with the savings account.
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What regulatory requirements do I need to be aware of as I promote text banking to members, even if I offer it for free?
Some states require that in addition to any text banking fees you must state that message and data rates apply. This requirement applies even if you offer it as a free service. (Different states require additional language. Follow your credit union policies and procedures.) You can enter this text in the Mobile Text Introduction screen accessed when configuring your text banking service. Use Tool #569 Online/Mobile/Text Banking VMS Config , select Text Banking from the list, and check I w More...
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What commands are available in text banking?
Keywords are not case sensitive. For example, you can type either help or HELP or even Help and you'll get the same result. BAL Reponses to BAL include the available balance on three savings accounts/and or checking accounts. Member Text: BAL Text Response: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:$-9,999,999.99, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:$-9,999,999.99, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:$-9,999,999.99. Reply HELP for help. Msg Data Rates May Apply. If multiple memberships are enrolled with the same phone, the response will ask you to specif More...
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My member tried enrolling for text banking but never received the verification code to complete the process. Why might that be?
The most common reason that a member is not receiving their text banking verification code is that they are blacklisted by their provider . To resolve this, the member needs to contact their cellular provider and have the block removed.
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I see there are “mobile phone” and “can send text messages to this number” checkboxes on the phone database screen in CU*BASE. Do either of these need to be checked in CU*BASE for that phone number to be used for multi-factor authentication (MFA)?
No. These do not need to be checked for the phone number to be used for MFA; however, the member must select a number that can accept a text message. While these labels do not matter for MFA, remember they are still important for other areas of use by CU*BASE. The “mobile phone” indicator in CU*BASE is informational only and is only there as a guide, for example for Call Center staff. Many EFT vendors also use this, so it may be included in your card maintenance to your vendor. The More...
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My member is enrolled for text banking and told me that her phone number had changed. I changed the number in the CU*BASE phone number database but she is still not able to use text banking. Can I help her?
The database that stores members who are enrolled for text banking is completely separate from the phone number database (MASTPH) used to record all of the member’s contact numbers. Remember that the Mobile flag is for reference, and also used to send mobile numbers to some EFT vendors. To update the text banking numbers, the member will need to log into It’s Me 247 desktop or mobile web banking, select Go Mobile then use the Text Banking “Enrolled Phone Numbers” feature More...
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When a member believes they have been sent a Member Reach message in error, how do I determine if it was or wasn't?
Here are the steps to help answer the FAQ of “Why did I receive this message?”: Navigate to CU*Spy In the top search field, type PCMMSG Use the date range fields if necessary to specify how many days worth of Member Reach Daily Message Reports you need to look through, based on when the member received the email. In the Search for field, type in the email address, the account number, or the member’s last name, whatever will be easiest for you to locate this member. Click the More...
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Where do I go to change text on our fee schedule? This was created using the Misc. Member Account Forms feature.
Misc. Member Account Forms are configured using Tool #261 Configure Misc. Member Accounts Forms. Choose F9-Edit Paragraphs to edit text that appears on your forms.
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When looking at the ATM/Debit or Credit Card Activity screen, what does the indicator in the Type and Transaction Description mean?
The fields are related to Process Codes, in that they are derived from the code attached to the message received from the plastics processor (vendor, or switch). The Type you see in the initial Type column of the Activity screen relates directly to the Transaction Description when you view additional transaction details. Transaction types may not apply to all vendors. Examples of these labels are as follows: DEP (Deposit Transactions) ATM/DEP A deposit made at an ATM. ATM/DEP - including a $ More...
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How do I control the costs I incur with multi-factor authentication (MFA) text messages?
As announced in the communication linked to below, credit unions will start incurring costs for text messages for MFA in the April 2025 invoice. There are several strategies your credit union can take to control the cost that you may incur. (The screen used to configure MFA is linked to below. It is accessed via Tool #569 , then Online Banking Password and Settings . MFA settings are configured on the second screen.) Try one or more of these three strategies on that screen: Choose a longer inter More...
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Why aren’t text banking numbers stored in the same place as other contact numbers for members?
This is on purpose. Remember that It’s Me 247 text banking must be able to receive a text request from any phone for a member of any credit union across the entire network. So these numbers are actually stored in a central file that includes enrolled phone #s for members of all CUs, along with key indicators that funnel the incoming call to your credit union and the member’s specific account. (That’s why a member has to provide a membership nickname, in case they have accounts More...
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What is the number for Mobile Text Banking?
The number for Mobile Text Banking is IM247 (46247) . This short code will work only if your members have enrolled in Text Banking. Our Mobile Text Banking online booklet offers information to satisfy a large number of potential questions, and we recommend consulting it as needed.
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How can I copy text on a CU*BASE screen to another application? For example, I would like to copy a member's phone number into a phone client and their address into a label editor.
The following directions explain an easy way to copy and paste text from a CU*BASE screen to another application, such as a phone client, label editor or spreadsheet. Navigate to the screen that has the text. For a phone number, you might go to the Inquiry screen. Cick and drag your mouse in a rectangle around the text you want to copy. This will snip the text and copy it to your clipboard. Place your mouse in the application and paste it there. The paste feature is accessed different way More...
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I just got a new laptop and when I try to log in to CU*BASE GOLD it takes several minutes, and then I get an error message, "Cannot Connect() to server."
This can happen if you have the Launch ProDOC when logging in option turned on in your Preferences (click the Preferences button or use F5 while on the CU*BASE Home page), if the workstation you are using does not actually have ProDOC installed. ProDOC is installed locally, but your CU*BASE GOLD preferences are attached to your CU*BASE employee ID, which means they are used no matter which device you are using to log in. Usually that's a good thing, but if you happen to use a workstation More...
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How do I use CU*BASE tools to keep track of the beneficial owners on my business accounts and other memberships?
Using CU*BASE to Comply with New Rules for Tracking Beneficial Ownership FinCEN has issued new rules under the Bank Secrecy Act that require financial institutions to identify and verify the identity of the beneficial owners of all legal entity members (corporations, etc.). Under the final rule, credit unions are required to have written procedures to identify and verify beneficial owners of legal entity members who open new accounts on or after May 11, 2018. In addition to identifying and coll More...
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There are reports for CU*BASE Member Connect messages that tell us members that received a message and those who did not and why. Are there any more reports like this?
For e-statements, use the PESTMTN2 report, archived in a credit union's CU*SPY under the Member Services category. This report is generated once a month when e-statement emails are sent. This report, along with the PCMMSG delivery report for Member Connect messages, can assist a credit union with identifying the reason why a member might not have received an expected email or how many members you are trying to send emails to that have an invalid email address. Both reports are automatically More...
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When I attempt to print reports from my DAILYXX or PRINTXX OUTQ I am receiving a program error message. Why?
A program error message displayed when attempting to print either your DAILYXX or PRINTXX reports is usually because the writer to which you are attempting to print the reports has not been started. The detail of the program message will state that the Writer XX is not Active. The printer will need to be connected/re-connected before you can proceed with printing your reports. outq, OUTQ
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After attempting to login to online banking members are receiving a message stating the member number is not valid. What do I do?
Here are some ideas of things to remind members: If an online banking username was set up, the account number can no longer be used to log into the account. (If the member cannot remember the username they set up, after verifying their identity use Tool #14 Member Personal Banker > Online Banking/ARU (activate, change PIN/password; view password history) > Display Username to delete the username. Your member number is the main account number that identifies your relationship with the cred More...
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How do I know if my eStatement messages have been sent?
When eStatement messages are complete there are two things that happen: 1. A 'Completion Summary Report' with successes/exception/totals is created. The call letters for this report are LFMLOG. 2. A record is written out to the CUFMNT File (see example below) and if you don't see this record, it has not run yet. MNTPGM = PESTMT MNTOLD = MSG: ESTMT EMAIL SENT TO AUTO MNTNEW = CORPID: 01 #SENT:(Your Credit Union #) You can view this record using Tool #159 Audit CU F More...
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